Boho Kleider aus Italien

Italien ist nicht nur bekannt für ein reiches kulturelles Erbe, sondern auch für den tadellosen Sinn für Mode. So wurde auch ich in den Bann der italienischen Mode gezogen. Als ich vor einigen Jahren an der Amalfiküste Bohokleider gekauft habe, habe ich mich schließlich dazu entschlossen, eigene Kleider zu entwerfen. In diesem Artikel tauchen wir in die Faszination von Boho-Kleidern aus Italien ein und erkunden ihre einzigartigen Eigenschaften, die Gegenwart und 5 wunderschöne Boho Outfits mit Italo Flair.
May 07, 2023 — Nina Nossal
5 Gründe warum du niemals Bio Baumwolle tragen solltest

5 reasons why you should never wear organic cotton

Many supposedly sustainable brands rely on organic cotton as a fiber for clothing. This is of course a better alternative to traditional cotton. Nevertheless, there are enough reasons why you should not use organic cotton. Find out why you should never use cotton

February 12, 2023 — Nina Nossal
Diese Fehler darfst du bei der Wahl für dein Sommerkleid niemals machen!

You should never make these mistakes when choosing your summer dress!

Find out now which mistakes you should never make when buying a summer dress. From skin problems to freedom of movement and comfort to the right choice of fiber. We give you the right tips.
February 02, 2023 — Nina Nossal
Die schönsten Festival Outfits 2023

The most beautiful festival outfits 2023

Hip artists, bright colors and creative looks set the mood at festivals, but the right style is very important for many festival-goers. We created a BEST OF festival outfit list to give you tips for your next festival in 2023.
January 25, 2023 — Nina Nossal
5 Gründe warum du auf Fast Fashion Marken wie Shein verzichten solltest

5 reasons why you should avoid fast fashion brands like Shein

We still buy a lot from cheap fashion brands. This is usually for monetary reasons. In this article you will find out why this will be expensive in the long run for both the customer and society.
January 21, 2023 — Nina Nossal
Nachhaltige Sommerkleider zum Verlieben 💛

Sustainable summer dresses to fall in love with 💛

We'll show you how easy it is to create sustainable summer outfits, whether by using the clothes you already own or by buying versatile items that you can mix and match.

Click on the picture to read the entire post 👆🏽

June 14, 2022 — Nina Noßal
Bussis aus Spanien 💋

Kisses from Spain 💋

1 week in Mallorca, 2 cameras, 2 models and lots of Aperol! Our first content shoot in Spain was a lot of fun.

Click on the picture to read the entire post 👆🏽

June 14, 2022 — Nina Nossal